Thermal Performance

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Thermal Performance


Enviro-TiltTM insulation is applied to the exterior of tilt-up walls for maximum thermal performance.


This application allows the thermal mass of an Enviro-TiltTM wall to store the cool energy from the night while the insulation protects the mass from absorbing the heat of the sun.


Due to the moderating effect of the thermal mass of concrete, thermal performance of the Enviro-TiltTM wall can exceed the performance of a wood-framed wall insulated up to R-50.

Thermal tests were performed on the Enviro-TiltTM Sports Announcers' Box constructed in Fountain Hills, Arizona.

With the building stucco applied and no windows or doors installed, the ambient air temperature at 4:00pm was 113 degrees.

A Mechanical Engineer used a thermal camera to measure the temperature of the plastered exterior Enviro-TiltTM wall in the sun.

The exterior wall temperature measured 136 degrees.

The Mechanical Engineer then used the thermal camera to measure the temperature of the interior wall.

The interior wall temperature measured 83.6 degrees.

That is a 52.4 degree difference!


"I think the Enviro-TiltTM system would be very effective since the mass is exposed in the interior and the insulation is on the exterior.  This is the most optimal use of thermal mass." 

- Anthony Floyd, AIA, LEED AP Green Building Program Manager, City of Scottsdale, Arizona


"You are absolutely on the right path with Enviro-TiltTM , putting the insulation to the exterior and the thermal mass to the interior."


"I've told my students for years that the ICF industry needs to come up with a form that has the insulation to the exterior and the thermal mass to the interior" 

- Tony Grahame, Director and Professor of Residential Building Technology, Yavapai College


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Copyright © 2008 Enviro-TiltTM
Last modified: 07/31/09